The most AMAZING product on the market. If you ever have any doubts about this product, you can rest assured you that their word is their honour. My daughter met with an accident this past Saturday, she was critically injured and her car was a write-off.
One call to accidentANGELS™ and they took care of everything – from the Ambulance to casualty and admission at a private healthcare facility. I received 10 calls from accidentANGELS™ at regular intervals offering moral support.
All costs were covered which meant I could focus on my daughter’s wellbeing instead of worrying about the cost of private healthcare. I highly recommend this product, even if you have medical aid. No more stressing about co-payments, administration costs, lab or x-rays or MRIs, CAT scans or even meds and post hospital visits – everything’s taken care of. What more do you need?
Once more, a wholehearted thank you to accidentANGELS™ for your excellent service and professionalism during our family’s crisis.
Mr. D. Franker
“Don’t drive faster than your ANGEL can fly”
*The image is a representation and not actual accident imagery.