One powerful way to demonstrate your love (and self-love, in fact!) is being prepared for the unexpected. Signing up with accidentANGELS, which guarantees private hospital care after a car accident, can be the ultimate act of care. Better yet? Gifting someone you love is a simple way to show you value their well-being and safety.
Check out the practical ways to protect yourself and your passengers while driving:
Focused Driving is Safe Driving
Texting, scrolling or answering a phone call can lead to serious situations when your attention should be on the road. Studies also suggest we shouldn’t be multitasking while driving either – try another time and place for breakfast or fixing your eyeliner. Did you know that multitasking can reduce productivity by 40%? This would be like losing the ability to press the brake when traffic suddenly slows. Your focus is your best gift to give yourself and your passengers.
Slow Down, Speedy!
Speeding up may seem like a shortcut, but it can lead to risky moves that can cause a car accident. Stick to the speed limit and adjust your pace to match the route (those pesky potholes) and weather conditions. Arriving late is better than not arriving at all.
Drive Sober
In South Africa, the current legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit is 0.05 grams per 100 millilitres of blood, roughly a standard drink for most people. But one should remember that even small amounts of alcohol can impair your reaction time behind the wheel and judgment in crucial moments. Showing love to yourself and your passengers means making the responsible choice: if you’ve had a drink, you DON’T drive. Call a sober friend or e-hailing taxi service to get home safely.
Maintain Your Car
Regular maintenance of your car is important. Check your car’s lights, fluids, indicators, brakes, wipers and tyres to ensure you’re driving a vehicle that runs smoothly and keeps everyone safer.
Quick Self-Check: Love Starts Before Your Drive
Are you too tired to drive? This can impair your focus as much as having a couple of drinks! Are you prepared for weather changes like rain, and is your car equipped with the essentials in case of an emergency? As the driver, you set the tone for safety in the car. Remind your passengers to follow the rules, like wearing their seatbelts. Your calm and responsible attitude not only keeps everyone safe but reassures them that their safety is your priority.
accidentANGELS: Show Love On The Roads
Even the safest drivers can’t control everything that happens on the roads. That’s where an affordable accident plan from accidentANGELS comes in. When you sign up for yourself or add a loved one as a dependant on your plan, there is a promise that the ANGELS crew makes to you: Guaranteed private hospitalisation after a car accident.
Give yourself and your loved one’s peace of mind — it’s the best “I love you” you can get!