The festive season is one of the busiest times on South African roads as families travel to holiday destinations around the country. This means increased traffic volumes, which means heightened risks. According to the Automobile Association (AA), this time sees a spike in road fatalities, particularly on routes such as the N1 from Polokwane to Cape Town through Gauteng and Bloemfontein, the N2 along the Indian Ocean coastline, the N3 from Gauteng to KwaZulu-Natal, the N4 to Mpumalanga, and many more.
To ensure a safe journey for you and your family, it’s important to pay attention to the smallest details, which can make all the difference!
- Check Your Vehicle
- Tyres: Make sure your tyres are properly inflated and check for any wear and tear. Don’t forget the spare!
- Brakes: Test your car’s brake responsiveness and top up brake fluid if needed.
- Lights: Verify that your indicators, headlights and brake lights are working.
- Battery: Check for any corrosion or wear.
- Wipers: Prepare for sudden summer downpours.
- Pack Your Necessities
- First-aid supplies: bandages, blanket, safety pins, disposable gloves, sterile gauze, antiseptic and more. Check out a basic first-aid kit here.
- Car supplies: Make sure you have jumper cables, a reflective triangle, a flashlight with spare batteries, basic tools and a phone charger.
- Planning Your Route and Schedule
- Avoid high-traffic times if you can. Use apps like Google Maps or Waze to check for congestion, roadworks, or accidents ahead so you can be cautious and find alternate routes.
- The Driver’s Mental Preparation
- Make sure you get a good night’s rest before you embark on your trip. Alertness is key!
- Plan stops along the way to stretch, eat, and get some fresh air.
- Avoid driver distractions like texting or your cell ringing. Designate your passenger to assist you in any way.
- Defensive Driving Behaviour
- Be prepared for other drivers who do not obey the rules of the road. It’s vital to stay calm if a pesky car wants to overtake you—this is not a race. Stay within the speed limits, stay visible with your lights on, and stay alert at intersections. Maintain a safe driving distance and avoid taking risks.
- Passenger Safety
- Make sure children are wearing seatbelts. Pack snacks, toys, and games to keep them entertained. Their boredom can lead to distractions for the driver. Look after yourself, too: dehydration can cause fatigue, so keep water bottles for everyone. Energy-boosting snacks like fruit and nuts can also help through long stretches.
- Weather-Wise
- Check the weather forecast and prepare for any sudden changes. Make sure you understand your route ahead, how many lanes are in front of you and if there are suitable stops you don’t miss for a fuel top-up.
- Keep Your Documents Handy
- Have your car license up to date, your driver’s license ready, and any other information in case of emergencies or routine roadblocks.
- Stay Connected
- Your phone can be a lifesaver in emergencies. Make sure it’s fully charged (bring along a power bank) and that someone not travelling with you in the car knows your route and estimated arrival time. Save emergency numbers for quick access (See the list at the end of this article).
How accidentANGELS helps in case of a car accident
Even with preparation and to-the-book driving abilities, road accidents still happen. That’s why accidentANGELS is here to provide peace of mind this festive season.
For only R149 per month, accidentANGELS guarantees access to private hospital care after a motor vehicle accident – no medical aid or hospital plan is required. Want to see more of our benefits? Check out our plans here.
Be safe and alert this festive season and remember: don’t drive faster than your angel can fly!