The bills keep stacking up and you find yourself looking at your budget, wondering where you can trim the fat. Before you decide to cancel your medical insurance or car insurance, it’s important to understand the potential consequences. The last thing you would need is to be caught off guard by an emergency without a safety net in place.

The Cost of Cancelling Medical and Car Insurance

Without medical insurance or car insurance, you are left with the full cost of medical emergencies, accidents, and vehicle repairs out of pocket. These expenses can add up, leaving you and your household in a much worse financial situation than if you had continued to pay your insurance premiums.

Medical Insurance: Protect Your Health and Finances

Don’t think “I’ll be okay – nothing will happen to me”. Life is unpredictable and medical emergencies can come out of nowhere. Without medical insurance, the cost of hospitalisation, surgeries, and other treatments can become overwhelming. Having medical insurance in place can offer the financial protection and peace of mind you need so you won’t have to deal with soaring bills.

Car Insurance: Essential Cover on the Road

Similarly, car accidents can result in significant expenses including medical bills, vehicle repairs, and legal fees. A concerning statistic is that less than 35% of vehicles in South Africa are insured on our roads. Maintaining your car insurance is an important way to safeguard your finances: it pays for the damage to your vehicle in case you’re in a road accident, intentional damage by someone else and other benefits like roadside assistance. If you decide to cancel your car insurance, even a minor road accident can drain your savings and put you in a tough financial position.

The accidentANGELS Motor Vehicle Accident Plan

Medical and car insurance is a worthy investment. By paying your insurance premiums, you are essentially saving money in the long run by avoiding the costs that come with medical emergencies and road accidents.

At accidentANGELS, we understand the importance of having reliable support in times of crisis. Our membership is designed to be affordable and give you comprehensive support when you need it most.

Starting from R149pm, get the guarantee of access to a private hospital after a road accident, up to R1 million in-patient funds, emergency transport from the scene, and R10,000 immediate funds on your ANGELS Mastercard for ER costs.

By keeping your medical and car insurance, and with accidentANGELS as extra support, you can make sure to protect yourself and your finances. Don’t let financial strain compromise your well-being – visit