On a typical day on the roads in South Africa, you’re bound to come across a mix of personalities. The fast-lane speedsters, cautious rule-followers, parents in SUVs with kids at the back and unpredictable taxi drivers who sneak their way in front of you. Each driving style reflects certain personality traits. Which one are you?
- The Aggressor
They are always in a hurry, even if they’re seemingly off to the garage to get some milk. The aggressor sees every road as a racetrack. They tailgate, weave through traffic, and seemingly love-hate their hooter. While this may indicate confidence, their impatience and impulsiveness on the road can lead to risky situations.
- The Nervous Prefect
Ever come across a nervous and overly cautious driver who treats every trip like their first? These personalities are often hesitant to merge and often cause a lot of frustration for others. Though their intentions seem good, their lack of confidence can cause disruptions.
- The Daydreamer
Ever notice a driver who seems oblivious to traffic and their surroundings? They’re most likely lost in deep thought thinking about what they’re having for dinner that night. They drive leisurely while everyone else tries to keep up with the flow. The Daydreamer seems harmless but can unknowingly cause congestion and serious situations.
- The Police Officer
For these drivers, rules mean everything, as they prioritise duty and law above all else. These personalities often struggle with road rage when others break the rules, as they view it as a personal affront to order and justice.
- The Utilitarian
These drivers prioritise the greater good and will give way to a bus full of passengers because it would benefit more people or slow to accommodate people crossing the road. These individuals are guided by what creates the most benefit for the most people, even if it means minor inconveniences for themselves.
- The Show-Off
Revving engines at the red light and speeding on open roads, these driver types love attention. Whether they’re flaunting their flashy car or blasting music, their focus is less on safety and more on making an impression.
- The accidentANGELS Driver
The ultimate driver personality is a combo of calm, respect, and responsibility. These personalities follow the rules, not just for themselves but to ensure the safety of their passengers, fellow drivers and pedestrians who share the road. They are patient, adapt to situations and embody the spirit of community.
Managing Your Personality For Road Safety
While we can all strive to be ‘The accidentANGELS Driver’, accidents and serious situations can still happen in a moment! We understand that everyone is different, but safety is universal. Strive to be the respectful driver who:
- Stays calm and leaves their ego at home.
- Avoids distractions in the car, like phones. Even a glance can have serious consequences!
- Respects others and is mindful of all.
Whether you’re a prefect or a show-off, be careful and know that we’ve got your back in case of a road accident. Check out our affordable accident plans here.